How to stop using skin shine cream without side effects (A Guide to Safely)

There are many skin brightening creams, including one called Skin Shine cream, which is prepared using hydroquinone and hydroquinone is a major cause of skin damage. So if you stop this type of cream, there can be many side effects on the skin.

How to stop using skin shine cream
How to stop using skin shine cream

So, before quitting skin shine cream, it is important to keep some things in mind so that you can stay safe from its side effects. Its use should be stopped gradually and keeping in mind the health of your skin. Here are some steps you can follow:

How to stop using skin shine cream

To stop using Skin Shine Cream, it is important to take special care of these things:

Consult a dermatologist:

To stop using skin shine cream, first of all you should talk to the doctor about what changes you have to make in your skin care and what changes you have to make in your daily diet.

And also get advice on how to take care of the skin before leaving what to apply and what not.

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Switch to a gentle cleanser:

While leaving the cream, you should use a good natural cleanser regularly, for which you can also buy a good face wash from the market.

Or you can also prepare it using household items, to make it, mix one spoon gram flour in two spoons of raw milk and use it twice a day.

Use Moisturizer:

When any cosmetic or chemical cream is stopped, the skin starts becoming dry due to which the side effects increase, in such a situation there is a need to apply a proper moisturizer.

For that, choose a non-comedogenic moisturizer suitable for your skin type so that your skin always remains moisturized and less prone to damage.

Sun protection:

Stopping the use of chemical creams causes many problems on the skin because due to chemicals, the skin becomes very thin and hence due to being sensitive, it gets damaged quickly.

In such a situation, it is very important to protect the skin from sunlight, for that use sunscreen with SPF 30, it helps in protecting your skin from UVA and UVB.

Gradual decrease:

Do not leave the cream at once whenever you feel that you do not want to use the Skin Shine Cream. So skip one day before that and use one day, After that use it twice a week, then once a week, then use it once every 15 days and after that stop using it.

Because if you stop applying the cream suddenly, you may see very bad results on the skin, but if you stop applying it gradually, the skin will not react quickly and the side effects will be very less.

Keep an eye on the reactions:

After you stop using Skin Shine Cream, keep an eye on the changes in your skin. See if your skin is getting irritated, itchy, red or any other adverse effect is seen.

It is important to be careful about this because if you know what symptoms you see, then you will be able to get the right treatment from the doctor and will be able to tell him correctly about yourself.

Stay hydrated:

To keep the skin hydrated from within, you should drink plenty of water. Because after stopping using any cosmetic cream, the skin often becomes dry, in such a situation it needs hydration.

Antioxidants include:

During this period, include antioxidant and anti-oxidant products in your daily routine and eat food that has the goodness of antioxidants. Because it helps in protecting your skin from environmental damages.

Healthy Diet:

Whenever it comes to health, healthy diet is important everywhere. If you are stopping applying any cosmetic cream like Skin Shine, then you should take a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Eat fruits and vegetables especially rich in Vitamin C. It makes the skin healthy. Also take foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, because this type of food prevents side effects on the skin.

Remember, the process may vary from person to person, and it is important to be patient. If you experience persistent problems or are concerned about your skin, seek professional advice from a dermatologist.

Skin shine cream side effects solution

If you have side effects on your skin due to using Skin Shine Cream and you want to fix them. So for that you will have to take care of some special things and be cautious about your skin care.

If you are facing skin problems due to application of skin shine cream, then first of all stop applying the cream. Because if you continue using it, the possibility of side effects will increase further.

Use a mild and natural moisturizer on your skin which will keep your skin healthy and prevent it from becoming dry because dry skin often has more side effects.

To correct its side effects, you should apply face pack using kitchen items twice a week, this repairs your damaged skin.

It is very important to use sunscreen. Sunscreen keeps you safe from any kind of side effects.

And if there are side effects, your skin may get worse by exposure to sunlight, in such a situation sunscreen protects the skin from getting damaged.

To cure its side effects, you not only have to take care of your skin from outside but also have to take a healthy diet, so that your skin becomes healthy from inside.

For that, include such things in your diet which have good amount of moisture like watermelon, cucumber, cantaloupe, pomegranate, apple, grapes, carrots etc.

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