Dysmenorrhea: Causes, Types, Myths, Remedies and Medicine

Dysmenorrhea is a problem that women experience during menstruation. It carries the risk of pain and discomfort, and means “disagreement with menstrual pain.” So, what is this story like?

Imagine a day spent in silence, when everything seems normal. Then one day, suddenly, a tragedy occurs that troubles you. During menstruation, some women experience pain, nausea, or vomiting. This problem is common for women, but it is no joke.

dysmenorrhea: Causes, Types, Myths, Remedies and Medicine

This pain may occur either at the beginning of menstruation or may become more severe due to pregnancy or infection. This pain can make women feel inadequate in many parts of their everyday lives. That is why, women adopt many types of measures to get relief from this pain, such as taking painkillers, yoga, and pranayam.

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Types of dysmenorrhea

There are two types of dysmenorrhea.

Primary dysmenorrhea: In this type, women usually feel pain in the early days of menstruation as “period pain”, and it does not cause any deep problem.

Secondary dysmenorrhea: In this type, the pain is more severe during menstruation, and is caused by a deeper problem such as pregnancy, uterine problems, or infection.

Causes of dysmenorrhea

  • hormonal changes
  • pregnancy
  • uterine problems
  • IUD use
  • Infection
  • endometriosis

Serious disadvantages of dysmenorrhea:

Lifestyle side effects: The pain of dysmenorrhea can have a negative impact on your daily routine and lifestyle.

Physical and mental stress: Pain can increase physical and mental stress, causing discomfort in day-to-day activities.

Use of unhealthy medicines: Excessive use of unhealthy medicines to reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea can also lead to their side effects.

Impact on education and work: Dysmenorrhea can cause weakness in education and work, which can affect studies and professional advancement.

Social maturity: The pain of dysmenorrhea may cause difficulties in participating in social activities, which may impact social maturity.

Medical problems: Secondary dysmenorrhea can also lead to serious problems such as pregnancy problems or uterine diseases.

Pain and discomfort: Women can become unhappy during menstruation due to the pain and discomfort of dysmenorrhea, which can affect their quality of life.

Family and relationships: It can also put a strain on family and relationships, and it can cause relationship distress.

Restrictive effects: Treating this priod issue requires a variety of treatments, such as pain medications and surgery, which can lead to substantial costs.

Mental health problems: Despite the pain of dismenorrhea, it can also affect mental health, such as anxiety, depression, and other health problems.

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Myths about dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea, i.e. pain during menstruation, is a common problem, but there are many misconceptions around it. Let us know some such disasters and legends, some of which are true, but some are completely wrong.

Only some women feel: It is a big misconception that not all women feel menstrual pain. in reality, dysmenorrhea can affect any woman, just depending on her individual perspective.

This pain is only mild: Another myth is that the pain of menstruation is only mild. Some women find that this pain bothers them so much that their day becomes difficult. This pain can sometimes be extremely severe.

There is no cure: Sadly, some people think that there is no cure for menstrual pain. This is wrong. This pain can be reduced with painkillers, hormonal treatments, and lifestyle changes.

Yoga and Pranayam cure everything: Some women think that menstrual pain can be relieved only with Yoga and Pranayam. In fact, along with yoga and pranayam, medical advice is also necessary.

There is something strange causing the pain: Some people think that the causes of menstrual pain have some strange or inauspicious effects. There is nothing like this, it is a normal problem.

Only older women are concerned with: Another misconception is that only intelligent women are troubled by menstrual pain. This is wrong, this problem can affect women of any age.

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Remedies for dysmenorrhea

  • To reduce pain, use warm water or a hot towel.
  • Taking painkillers on doctor’s advice.
  • Practicing yoga and pranayam.
  • Take care of nutritional elements in the diet.

Medicines used to treat dysmenorrhea:

There are many types of medicines available to treat dysmenorrhea, but as per WHO (World Health Organization) standards, it is important to first determine the cause and type of the problem. Only after this can treatment medicines be selected.

Anti-inflammatory medications: Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, can help reduce the pain of dysmenorhea.

Hormonal medications: Doctor-prescribed hormonal medications, such as combination birth control pills or hormone therapy, can help treat dysmenorrhea.

Surgery: In critical cases, such as those caused by endometriosis or uterine problems, surgery may be required.

The selection and dosage of appropriate medicines in the treatment of dysmenorrhia is based on the doctor’s advice. Medicines should be taken as directed by your doctor, and it is important to have regular checkups and follow up to monitor your health.

Ultimately, this is a story about women struggling to protect their health, every month, every time.

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