Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil Review: why is it good or bad

Hello friends, today we will talk about Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil and know what are its advantages, disadvantages and how it should be used.

Regarding this, I will tell you a true review of a girl when her entire family used it and also you will know whether there are more benefits or disadvantages of using this oil.

What is Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil and its uses –

Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil
patanjali kesh kanti advance hair oil review

Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advance Hair Oil Expert is a unique Ayurvedic medicine/oil, created for 100% natural solution for women and men. Its Deep and balanced Nourishment, gives new life to the hair roots and scalp, which helps in repairing damaged hair. Repairs hair and prevents hair fall, also increases hair growth and prevents dandruff.

Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil is used to increase hair length, thicken thin hair, prevent dandruff, prevent graying of hair, grow new hair, nourish hair roots and scalp, this oil is made up of more than 30 100% natural ingredients.

Key Ingredients: This oil is a mixture of about 30 ingredients.

● Bhringraj
● nigella seeds
● Lemon
● Coconut
● hibiscus
● endocarp milk
● Gooseberry
● Manjishtha
● malkangani
● Fenugreek
● Mehndi
● Shikakai
● neem
● rose hip
● red sandalwood
● Reetha
● cedarwood
● cashewnut

Base Ingredients: Sesame,Wit

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Alina’s Review: Patanjali kesh Kanti advanced hair oil review

Alina who used to live near our house gave us her review and she told that she once had viral fever which lasted for about three weeks, she kept taking her medicines and got cured with antibiotics, but the second time On the other hand, a new problem came in front of him and that was: Hair Fall.

But initially he did not consider it a serious matter,Day by day her hair started falling in greater numbers and she started having itching on her head, and her hair also started turning white. She was very worried about her hair.

Then he adopted some home remedies to deal with his hair problem, he started searching for the solution to his problem on every social media platform like YouTube, Google, Instagram.Then with the help of YouTube, he applied lemon juice, coconut oil, garlic ginger curd paste and some antibiotics on his head.

But all these remedies gave her relief for some temporary time. When she tried all these, their effect remained only for a short time, after the effect was over, the same problem was again standing in front of her.

Along with her, her mother, her elder sister, her younger sister, and all the women in the house were facing the problem of hair fall. But at first we did not pay much attention to it and did not find any solution by talking to any specialist, but because everyone in the house had this problem.

Then when I shared this problem with my friends, one of my friends advised me to go to a specialist and ask him for a solution.

Then she went to a skin specialist, and there she told about the problem of her entire family, due to which she was facing a lot of problems and was becoming bald day by day.The doctor listened to his problem very easily and also told him a solution for it and also consoled him that there is nothing to worry about, it is a very common problem these days.

Then the doctor suggested about a hair oil because he had prescribed this hair oil to his patients earlier also. Continuing his tradition, he also told us about a hair oil whose name was: Patanjali kesh Kanti advanced hair oil!

Then we started using this oil in the manner prescribed by the doctor and believe me, we started getting the effect of this oil in just one week and we started feeling extremely relaxed.

Their hair fall has reduced considerably, white hair has also started disappearing, there is no dandruff on the head and scalp and the length of the hair has become longer than before and the hair has also started becoming thick.But there was one thing that I did not like about this oil and that was its smell, only I felt this smell but everyone else in the house felt this smell.

From that day till today, the record is that we used that oil and it did not cause any significant harm to us.

She also told us that if Alina or anyone among her relatives has the problem of hair fall, then she suggests this oil, but still, before using this oil, talk to a specialist once because –

Precaution is always better than cure!

So friends, this was Alina’s complete review about Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil. Where did I get the prescription, how did I use it? What an experience! Although she was in trouble earlier, but after using this oil her problems also went away and till today she is using this oil and advises everyone to use this oil.

How does Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil work?

Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil, known as India’s number one expert ayurvedic hair oil, is made up of more than 30 100% natural ingredients which is claimed to be 100% effective for many hair problems of both men and women. There is a natural solution.

That is, apply this oil and get rid of many hair problems, it will repair damaged hair, grow new hair on the scalp, also strengthen the roots, its deep and balanced nutrition will provide relief from dandruff.

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How to use Patanjali kesh Kanti advanced hair oil –

Using this oil is not a big task. But yes, its dosage can be carried according to the hair problem and its quantity.

• First of all, open your hair if it is tied and apply 3 to 6 ml of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil on the scalp and hair roots.

• Massage gently with the help of fingers for 10 to 15 minutes.

• Leave for 6 to 8 hours overnight.

• Wash your hair with shampoo in the morning.

Does this oil smell bad?

There is definitely a smell when using this oil, but it is up to the person to decide whether that smell is its fragrance or a bad smell, because this smell attracts some people and not others.

How often should this oil be used?

It would be appropriate to use this oil twice a week.

How much does Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil cost?

A 30 ml bottle costs ₹100. Money keeps increasing and decreasing according to the military.

Benefits of Patanjali kesh Kanti advance Hair oil –

Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil, prescribed on the advice of a skin doctor, has many benefits like,

It provides deep and balanced nutrition: When used as prescribed by the doctor, this oil provides deep and balanced nourishment to our hair and scalp.

• It gives new life to hair and scalp.

• It also repairs damaged hair.

• It works very well to prevent hair fall.

• Grows new hair from the roots.

Promotes hair growth: It increases both length and breadth of hair.

Prevents dandruff: Eliminates dandruff already on the scalp and prevents new dandruff.

• Prevents gray hair and helps in healing gray hairs already grown on the scalp.

• Prevents the growth of split ends and if there are already split ends then it plays a very important role in making them into one.

Disadvantages of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil –

Generally, there are no side effects of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Advanced Hair Oil because it is made up of hundred percent natural ingredients which include henna, amla, shikakai, sesame seeds, various colors etc.

Whatever ingredients it contains can harm a person with a specific condition.

A person with a specific condition may also be allergic to the ingredients present in it, which may result in complaints like itching in the head, acne, etc.

Also, the smell that comes from inside this oil does not appeal to every person, so it can be considered a disadvantage, on the other hand, the same smell can also seem like a fragrance to another person.

But if using this oil causes any harm to a person, then he should stop using it immediately and take advice from his skin specialist.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Q. Is kesh Kanti advanced hair oil good for hair growth?

Of course it is better than most hair oil.

Q. How to use Patanjali advanced hair oil?

Take 3 to 6 ml of Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil and massage it on the scalp. Massage the scalp with the help of your fingers for at least 10 minutes. Then leave the oil on overnight for 6 to 8 hours and wash it with shampoo the next morning. Wash hair.

Q. What is the price of Patanjali kesh Kanti hair oil?

A 30 ml bottle costs ₹100, with the price increasing per milliliter.

Q. Is Patanjali kesh Kanti hair oil side effects?

Generally, no side effects of this Patanjali Kesh Kanti Hair Oil have been observed. As a disadvantage, some people find its aroma bad and on the other hand, this aroma attracts other people. But still, before using this oil. should consult a doctor

Q. Does Patanjali hair oil reduce hair fall?

Yes it starts working reducing hair fall within a week and regrow hair

Q. Is Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil chemical free?

Yes! it is free from harmful chemical and totally made with 100% natural ingredients.

Q. Patanjali kesh Kanti advanced hair oil price in India

One bottle containing 30 ml hair oil in just 190 rs

Q. Patanjali kesh Kanti advance hair oil price in Amazon

One bottle containing 30 ml hair oil in just hundred rupees.

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